The Jew’s Nose and Clothes in Early English Literature

Thomas Lupton, All for Money (London: Roger Warde and Richard Mundee, 1578):

  [Sinne to Satan.]  You bottell nosed knaue, I will see your nose eauen.

Ulpian Fulwell, Like Wil to Like (London: Edward Allde, 1587):

  [Nichol Newfangle to Lucifer.]  My dame called thee bottle nosed knaue.

Christopher Marlowe, The Rich Iew of Malta (1590), ed. Thomas Heywood (London: John Beale for Nicholas Vavasour, 1633):

  [Bar.]  Listen to my words,
And I will teach that shall sticke by thee:
First be thou voyd of these affections,
Compassion, loue, vaine hope, and hartlesse feare,
Be mou'd at nothing, see thou pitty none,
But to hy selfe smile when the Christians moane.
Ithi.  Oh braue, master, I worship your nose for this. (2.3.170-76)

 [Ithi.]  I have the bravest, gravest, secret, subtle, bottle-nosed knave for my master that ever gentleman had. (3.3.9-10)

The Hat he weares, Iudas left vnder the Elder when he hang’d himselfe. (4.473-74)

William Rowley, A Search for Money (London: George Eld for Ioseph Hunt, 1609)

A most dogged vsurer …his visage (or vizard) like the artificiall Iewe of Maltaes nose… vpon which nose, two casements were built, through which his eyes had a little ken of vs. (12)

John Marston, Iacke Drums Entertainment (London: Thomas Creede for Richard Oliue, 1601):

Mamon the Vsurer, with a great nose. (“The names of all the men and Women, that Act this Play”)

  Flawne.  Sir, the best newes is, your ship (the Hopewell) hath hapt ill, returning from Barbary. Tis but sunk, or so, not a scrap of goods sau'de.
  Mam.  Villaines, Rogues, Iewes, Turkes, Infidels, my nose will rot off with griefe. O the Gowt, the Gowt, the Gowt, I shall run mad, run mad, run mad.

George Chapman, The Blinde Begger of Alexandria (London: J. Roberts for William Iones, 1598):

Leon [i.e. Irus].  Now am I Leon The rich vsurer..
Sa.  Oh but he hath a great nose.
Ia.  Tis no matter for his nose, for he is rich.

William Fulke, A Briefe Confutation, of A Popish Discourse (London: Thomas Dawson for George Byshop, 1581):

The wearing of a yellow Cappe, is the marke of a Iewe in Italy. (18)

John Jewel, A Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande (London: Henry Wykes, 1567):

Iewe, by theire red cappes, be knowen to al, and be subiect to all shrewdnes of the boies of the streetes, who vse commonly to mocke and reuile them. (369)

Fynes Moryson, An Itinerary (London: John Beale, 1617):

The Iewes in Turky  are distinguished from others by red hats, and being practicall, doe liue for the most part vpon the seacoasts, and few or none of them come to this Citie, inhabited by Christians that hate them, and which should haue no traffique, if the Christian Monasteries were taken away. (219)

Francis Bacon, “Of Vsurie,” in The Essayes or Counsels, Ciuill and Morall (London: John Haviland for Hanna Barret, 1625):

Vsurers should haue Orange tawnet Bonnets, because they doe Iudaize. (239)

Marochitanus Samuel, The Blessed Jew of Marocco (York: T. Broad, 1648):

They prayed Christs blood might bee upon them, and upon their Children, it is so, it follows and haunts them where ever they go; few States and Kingdoms entertain them, and where they are entertained, they are kept under, and made to endure very hard things, the State serving their own ends by them. In most places they use (if Christians) to distinguish them from others by place of dwelling by themselves, and some distinctive habit, as their own Chronologer tels us, that at Vepice such a yeer the Jews were commanded to wear a yellow Hat, that they might be known from Christians. (16)

Thomas Fuller, A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine (London: J. F. for John Williams, 1650):

Although it be probable, that the ancient Iews generally went bare-headed (making use with Elijah of their Mantles,  or upper garments, in tempestuous weather, wrapping  their heads, as he his face therein) yet we finde them in after ages wearing Hats  on their heads, with which the three children were cast into the fiery furnace. Not, that they were like those we wear now adays, (a meer modern invention since round flat caps  were disused) but, are termed Hats  by analogy, though not of the same form, for the same service, the coverture of the head. (107)