Falstaff’s Sources in Early English Literature

William Thorp, The Examinacion of the Honorable Knight Syr Jhon Oldcastell Lorde Cobham, ed. William Tyndale (Antwerp: J. van Hoochstraten, 1530)

John Bale, A Brefe Chronycle Concernynge the Examinacyon and Death of the Blessed Martyr of Christ Syr Iohan Oldecastell the Lorde Cobham (Antwerp: Hans Luft, 1544)

John Foxe, Actes and Monuments (London: John Daye, 1583)

Raphael Holinshed, The Historie of England, in vol. 1 of The Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande (London: John Hunne, 1577):

But what so euer mens fancies hereof might coniecture, this King was the man, that accor|ding to the olde prouerbe, declared and shewed in what sort honors ought to change maners, for immediately   after that hee was inuested Kyng, and had receyued the Crowne, hee determined with him selfe to putte vppon him the shape of a new man, turning insolencie and wildnesse into grauitie and sobernesse: And whereas hee hadde passed his youth in wanton pastime; and riotous [ 50] misorder, with a sort of misgouerned mates, and vnthriftie playfeers,   hee nowe banished them from his presence (not vnrewarded, nor yet vn|preferred inhibiting them vppon a great payne, not once to approche, lodge, or soiourne within tenne miles of his Courte or mansion: and in their places he elected and chose men of grauitie, witte, and high policie, by whose wise counsell, and prudent aduertisement, he might at al times rule to his honore, and gouerne to his profyte: wheras if he should haue reteined the other iustie companions aboute him, he doubted least they might haue allured him vnto suche lewde and lighte partes, as with them before tyme he had youthfully vsed. (1165) 

Stow, Annales:

K. Henry, after his coronation, called unto him all those young lords and gentlemen that were the followers of his young acts, to every one of whom he gave rich gifts; and then commanded, that as many as would change their manners, as he intended to do, should abide with him in his court; and to all that would persevere in their former like conversation) he gave express commandment, upon patn of their heads, never after that day to come in his presence

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (London: Thomas Creede, 1598): 

But sirs, I maruell that sir John Old-castle
Comes not away: Sounds, see where he comes.
Enter Iockey.
How now Iockey, what newes with thee?
  Iockey.  Faith my Lord, such newes as passeth,
For the Towne of Detfort is risen,
With hue and crie after your man,
Which parted from vs the last night,
And has set vpon, and hath robd a poore Carrier. 

  Hen. 5. : Robd, how many were there of them?
1 RECEIVER: Marry sir, there foure of them:
And one of them had sir John Old-Castles bay Hobbie,
And your blacke Nag.
Hen. 5. : Gogs wounds, how like you this, Jockey? 

Enter sir John Old-Castle.
  Hen. 5.  How now sir John Old-Castle,
What newes with you Iockey.  I am glad to see your grace at libertie, I was come, I, to visit you in prison.
  Hen. 5.  To visit me? didst thou not know that I am a Princes son, why tis inough for me to looke into a prison, though I come not in my selfe, but heres such adoo now adayes, heres prisoning, heres hanging, whipping, and the diuel and all: but I tel you sirs, when I am King, we will haue no such things, but my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
  Iockey.  Hee is a good olde man, God take him to his mercy, the sooner.
  Hen. 5.  But Ned, so soone as I am King, the first thing 
I wil do, shal be to put my Lord chief Justice out of office,
And thou shalt be my Lord chiefe Justice of England.
  NED: Shall I be Lord chiefe Justice?
By gogs wounds, ile be the brauest Lord chiefe Justice
That euer was in England.
  Hen. 5.  Then Ned, ile turne all these prisons into fence Schooles, and I will endue thee with them, with landes to maintaine them withall: then I wil haue a bout with my Lord chiefe Justice: thou shalt hang none but picke purses and horse stealers, and such base minded villaines, but that fellow that will stand by the high way side couragiously with his sword and buckler and take a purse, that fellow giue him commendations; beside that, send him to me and I will giue him an anuall pension out of my Exchequer, to maintaine him all the dayes of his life.
  Iockey.  Nobly spoken Harry, we shall neuer haue a mery world til the old king be dead.

Your former life grieves me,
And makes me to abandon and abolilh your company forever:
And therefore not upon pain of death to approche my prg** fence,
By ten miles'space; then, if I heare well of you,
It may be I will doe somewhat for you ;
Otherwise looke for no more favour at my hands
Than at any other man's