Rosacea in Early English Medicine

Bartolommeo della Rocca (called Cocles), The Rebirth of Chiromancy and Physiognomy (1504), trans. Thomas Hill, as The Whole Art of Phisiognomie (London: Iohn Waylande, 1556):

The nose ruddye in qualitie, more than any others, or hath pustles here and there on the nose. declareth that manne to bee couetouse, a bybber, wycked, a drunkarde, leacherouse, muche and often thirstye, a fayner of goodnesse, grosse of feadyng, and wytte, and of a tender capacitie. (“Of the nose. The. xvii. Chapter”)

Nicolas de Houssemaine, The Regiment of Life (1520), trans. Thomas Phayer (London: Edwarde Whitchurche, 1550):

As touchynge a disease called Gutta rosacea, or copperface in english, it is an excessiue rednesse about ye nose, or other places of the face, commynge of brente humours, or of salte phlegme, whyche can not be hol|pen, yf it be rooted and olde. (“The seconde chapter”)

William Bullein, Bulleins Bulwarke of Defence Against All Sicknesse, Soarenesse, and Woundes (London: Thomas Marshe, 1579):

Hilarius.  Ale doth engender grosse humours in the body….The Ale knightes…do continue stil as true Souldiours to ye strong Beere and Ale, which is their Captayne…as it plainly appeareth in their flushing, red, coppred noses. (12)

Thomas Hill, The Contemplation of Mankinde (London: Henry Denham for William Seres, 1571):

The nose appearing red, with the roote and hole within, and bréedeth drawing vnto a swel|ling, lyke to the Strawberry: doth argue such a person, to be a great drinker of wine, and often druncke: and such for the more part, are moyst of qualitie, and luxurious. (107)

Ambroise Pare, “Of the Gutta Rosacea, or a Fiery Face,” in Of the Faculties of Simple Medicines, in The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey, trans. Thomas Johnson (London: Th: Cotes and R. Young, 1634):

This treatise of Fuci puts me in minde to say something in this place of helping the preternaturall rednesse which possesseth the nose and cheekes, and oft times all the face besides, one while with a tumour, other whiles without, sometimes with pustles and scabs, by reason of the admixtion of a nitrous and adust humor. Practitioners have termed it Gutta rosacea. (1080)

For the generall method of curing this disease, it is fit that the patient abstaine from wine, and from all things in generall that by their heat inflame the blood, and diffuse it by their vaporous substance. (1081)

Simione Grahame, The Anatomie of Humors (Edinburgh: Thomas Finlason, 1609):

Looke on a drunkard, how the continuall exhausting of drinke enflames his face with fire, and transformes his nose in a red rock of spurtled and white-headed rubies. (16)

William Vaughan, Approved Directions for Health, both Naturall and Artificiall (London: T. Snodham for Roger Jackson, 1612):

Shoote inwardly into the lightsome cause of health, which is no other then sobrietie, fashioned after the spirituall image of the Trinitie.  But if thy nature be so sterne, if thy soules aduantage be no solide reason in thy iudgement to conuert thy brutish liuing, yet let examples of the bodies griefes terrifie thy lustfull thoughts from such vaine dregs. Looke but on the countenance of a drunkard, and is not he disfigured? Doth not his nose seeme rotten, withered, or worme-eaten? Doth not his breath stinck, his tongue falter? Is not his body crazed, subiect to gouts and dropsies? (24-25)

James Hart, “Of Drunkennesse, and the Mischiefes Thence Insuing to the Soule, Body, and Good,” in ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ, or The Diet of the Diseased (London: John Beale for Robert Allot, 1633):

As for diseases of the body procured thereby, they are not a few: as namely, the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, or falling sicknesse; Incubus or nightmare, Palsie, giddinesse, lethargy, and the like soporiferous diseases; besides sudden death, losse of memory and understanding, red and watery eyes, a corny face, all beset with rubies and carbuncles, accompanied with a copper nose. (131-32)

John Johnston, The Idea of Practical Physic, trans. Nicholus Culpeper (London: Peter Cole, 1657):

Gutta  Rosacea, is a Pustulous and somtimes Tuberous redness of the Face, Re|presenting Rose-colored spots. Tis known by the sight. Its Original is from thick blood and fervent, bred through default of the Liver originally or by bad Diet, and carryed up into the Face and there sticking, by reason of its thickness. Tis Cured.
1. By reducing the heated Liver, to its right temper, with Sy|rupe of Cichory, Straw-berryes, and Coral.
2. By opening the stoppages thereof.
3. By Topicks as the menstrual blood of a Virgin dissolved in hot water, Oyl of Toades &c. (10)