The Miracle at St. Albans in Early English Literature

Thomas More, A Dyaloge of … Dyvers Maters (London: John Rastell, 1529): 

The messenger makyth obieccyon yt myracles shewed byfore a multitude may be fayned / & by ye author shewd how yt goodnes of god bringyth shortly yt truth of such falshed to lyght / wt ensamples therof one or two rehersed & farther shewed that many myracles therebe whych no good crysten man may deny to be trew.

Some pteste to bryng vp a pyl|grymage in hys {per}yshe may deuyse sum false felowe faynyng hym self to com seke a saynt in his chyrch / And there sodenly saye that he hath gotten hys syghte. Then shall ye haue the bellys rongen for a myracle / And ye fond folke of the countre soone made foles. Than women comming thether wt their candells. & the person byyng of sum lae begger .iii. or .iiii. payre of theyre olde rutches wt .xii. pennes spent in men & women of wex thrust thorow dyuers placis some wt arrowes / & sun wt rusty knyuys wyll make hys offeryngys for one .vii. yere worth twyse hys tythes. Thys ys q I very truth that such thyngys may be & sumtime to be in dede As I remember me that I haue hard my father tell of a begger yt in kynge Edward{is} dayes yt fourth cam wyth hys wyffe to saynt Albonys / And there was walkyng aboute the towne beggyng a fyue or six dayes before ye kyng{is} commyng thther sayng yt he was borne blynde / & neuer sawe in hys lyfe / And was warned in hys dreame yt he shuld com oute of Berwyke where he sayed he had euer dwelled to seke saynte albon / And yt he hade bene at hys shryne and had not been holpen / And therfore he wold go seke him at some other place / for he had hard some say synne he can / yt saynt albonys body shuld be at Colon / And in dede such a contencyon hath ther beene. But of trouth as I am surly informed he lyeth here at saynt albonys / sauyng some relyques of hym whych they there shew shryned. But to tell you forth whan the kyng was cummen & yt towne full / sodaynly thys blynde man at saynt Albonys shryne had hys syght agayne / And a myracl solemply rongen / and Te deunsongen / so that nothyng was talked of in all the towne but thys myracle. So happened it than that duke humfrey of gloucester a great wise man & very well lerned / hauyng greate Ioy to se such a myracle / called yt pore man vnto hym And fyrst shewyng hym selfe ioyouse of goddys glory so shewed in yt gettyng of hys syght / & exortyng hym to mekenes & to none ascrybyng of any parte yt worshyp to hym self / nor to be proud of the peoples prayse whych wolde call hym a good & a godly man therby / At last he loked well vppon hys eyen and asked whyther he coud neuer se nothi~g at all in all hys lyfe before. And whan as well hys wyfe as hym self affermed fastely no / than he loked aduysedly vppon hys eyen agayne / & sayed I beleue you very well / for me thynketh yt ye can not see well yet. yes syr q he I thanke god & hys holy marter I can se now as well as any man. ye can quod the duke / what colour is my gowne? Than anon yt begger told him. what color q he is thys mannys gown? he told him also & so furth wythoute any stykkyng / he told hym the names of all the colours that could be shewed hym. And when my lord saw that / he bad hym walk faytoure / And made hym be sett openly in ye stokkys. For though he could haue seen soodenly by myracle ye dyference bytweene dy|uerse colors / yet coud he not by ye sight so sodenly tell ye names of all thees co|lours but yf he had knowen them before nomore than ye names of all ye men that he shulde sodenly se. (xviii)

Richard Grafton, A Chronicle at Large (London: Henry Denham for Richarde Tottle and Humffrey Toye, 1569):

This Humffrey Duke of Gloucester, descending of the blood royal, was not onely noble and valyant in all his actes and doings, but sage, pollitique, and notably well learned in the Ciuile lawe. And among other his worthy prayses, this followyng is not to be forgotten, which most liuely and plainely declareth him to be both prudent and wise, & to his great laude and praise is written and set forth by Sir Thomas Moore knight, in a booke of hys, entituled, a Dialogue concerning heresies and matters of religion…. Thus farre mayster Moore. And thus much for the noble prowesse and vertue, ioyned with lyke Ornamentes of knowledge and learning shyning in this Duke: For the which as before hath appered, he was both loued of the commons, and well spoken of of all men, and no lesse deseruing the same, being called the good Duke of Gloucester: so neyther yet wanted he backbiters and priuie enuyers, as before hath bene expressed. (597-98)

John Foxe, Actes and Monumentes (London: John Daye, 1570):

I thought here good, amongst many other his godly doings, to recite one example, reported as well by the pen of sir Thomas More, as also by Master William Tindal, the true apostle of these our later days, to the intent to see and note, not only the crafty working of false miracles in the clergy, but also that the prudent discretion of this high and mighty prince, the aforesaid duke Humphrey, may give us the better to understand what man he was…. By this may it be seen, how duke Humphrey had not only a head, to discern and dissever truth from forged and feigned hypocrisy; but study also, and diligence, likewise, was in him, to reform that which was amiss. (834)